Hallie Marie Tibbs, LMT, LDT, CST
Massage - CranioSacral - Lymph Drainage - Movement Education

Treatments & Rates

Therapeutic Massage:

From deep relaxation to deep tissue, a combination of training is used to give you the massage your body truly deserves.

 $80/45 min  $100/60 min  $120/75 min  $140/90 min 


Lymph Drainage:

Through gentle technique the lymphatic system is worked to boost the functioning of the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems.

 $100/45 min  $120/60 min  $140/75 min  $160/90 min 


CranioSacral Therapy:

Using a light touch and working with the craniosacral rhythm to support and nourish your body's ability to self care. 

 $100/45 min  $120/60 min  $140/75 min  $160/90 min 


Prenatal Massage:

All precaution is taken to ensure a safe, deep, and relaxing massage for all members of the pregnancy.

 $80/45 min  $100/60 min  $120/75 min  $140/90 min 


Movement Education Private Lesson:

These lessons combine principles taught within the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method, Dance, and Martial Arts to allow for ergonomic movement. Helping you maintain posture and ease carrying out movements with heighten body awareness.

 $100/60 min  $120/75 min  $140/90 min 

Can be added to another service for:

 $25/15 min  $50/30 min 


TMJ Massage:

Through concentration on the muscles involved in the movement of the jaw, head, and neck. This therapy works effectively on a variety of ailments, including, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD), Migraines, and Chronic Neck Pain.

 $100/60 min 


Foot Refresh:

Bring some relief to your tiered feet!

 $100/60 min 


 Massage Education for Couples:

Relax together while learning massage techniques that you can use in your daily lives.

 $120/60 min  $160/90 min  $200/120 min 


Caretakers’ Massage Education:

For anyone who wants to support their care for another with the knowledge of massage.

 $120/60 min  $160/90 min  $200/120 min 


Pregnancy Support Education:

While caring for the carrier of the baby, learn how to aid this wonderful time through massage.

 $120/60 min  $160/90 min  $200/120 min 


Seated Massage:

A perfect addition to your next community event or office gathering.

 $125/60 min  $165/90 min  $245/120 min